Greetings Dear Visitor

We, Dame Hugoline the Delicate and Honorable Lady Fiona the Volatile, Baronesses of An Dubhaigeainn, extend greetings and welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The Barony is the local chapter of the SCA, which encompasses Suffolk County (New York). Covering from the eastern tips of the Long Island forks to our western border (approximately Route 110), including our Canton of Hawkes Reache (a small sub group of the Barony). Best Wishes and a welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).

So… What do we do in the SCA? We are a Medieval Re-enactment group covering the time period from the fall of the roman empire to the death of Queen Elizabeth. (~600AD to ~1600AD) Our events are less for viewing and more for doing.  Here’s a brief list of what we do…

Martial Arts
– Armored Combat
– Fencing
– Archery
– Thrown Weapons
– Siege Weapons
– Cooking
– Research
Arts & Sciences – Fiber Arts
– Spinning
– Weaving
– Dyeing
– Historic Construction
Bardic Arts
– Choral and
Instrumental Music
– Poetry
– Story Telling
– Social Customs
– Education
– Etiquette
AND Much, Much more!!

We expand our knowledge as people find new interests and pursue them. After all, we are a not-for-profit educational organization. Meetings and workshops sites are further in this site, or in our local newsletter, the Viaduct. Hope to see you soon!


If you are looking for a interesting demo, we have worked with local libraries, Schools, Boy and Girl Scout troops, and other venues.

If you like this brief overview, please feel free to contact us by e-mail or in person at events, come over and say hi in person. Other contact people are our Chatelaine (the welcome person) and our Seneschal (President of our group or the real guy in charge) Any of us will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Upcoming local events and demonstrations are listed in the An Dubhaigeainn Calendar. For more information about individual events, please contacts the Autocrat (Event Coordinator) listed for the specific activity.

Zip codes that we cover:

00501, 11705, 11717, 11725, 11738, 11746, 11755, 11768, 11776, 11786, 11795, 11932, 11941, 11950, 11957, 11964, 11972, 00544, 11706, 11718, 11726, 11739, 11747, 11757, 11769, 11777, 11787, 11796, 11933, 11942, 11951, 11958, 11965, 11973, 06390, 11707, 11719, 11727, 11740, 11749, 11760, 11770, 11778, 11788, 11798, 11934, 11944, 11952, 11959, 11967, 11975, 11701, 11708, 11720, 11729, 11741, 11750, 11763, 11772, 11779, 11789, 11805, 11935, 11946, 11953, 11960, 11968, 11976, 11702, 11713, 11721, 11730, 11742, 11751, 11764, 11772, 11780, 11790, 11901, 11937, 11947, 11954, 11961, 11969, 11977, 11703, 11715, 11722, 11731, 11743, 11752, 11766, 11772, 11782, 11792, 11930, 11939, 11948, 11955, 11962, 11970, 11978, 11704, 11716, 11724, 11733, 11745, 11754, 11767, 11775, 11784, 11794, 11931, 11940, 11949, 11956, 11963, 11971, 11980, 11790

If you don’t live in our area, but are still interested in our society, you can find more information for newcomers at our parent organizations:  The EAST KINGDOM which serves most of the Northeast United States and parts of Canada or the main SCA page which covers our entire Society.

Thank you for your time and we hope to have you interested, if not inspired you to come meet the Barony.

In service to the Society:
Hugoline and Fiona
Baronesses of An Dubhaigeainn,

Polling from the BoD regarding the Alternative Crown Tournament Proposal

Official Board-Sponsored Survey on East Kingdom Crown Tournament Experiment The Board is conducting a survey to gauge support for the East Kingdom’s request for an experiment to the Crown Tournament format. We invite both members and non-members of the East Kingdom to participate in this important survey. Survey Details Question: Do you support a one-time …

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Cooks’ Guild Interest Form

Calling all Baronial cooks, taste testers, serving staff, and anyone interested in joining the proposed An Dubhaigheiann Cooks’ Guild!Please fill out this short contact information form so we can get started on getting organized and drafting our Charter.Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing YIS,Vetra Trys Kaukoles

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