Return to Spring Schola 2021

Spring Schola 2021: Arts & Sciences Competition

Baronial A&S Competition: That Which Brings you Joy

It’s been a long and difficult year.  Plague has ravaged out fair kingdom, and taken countless friends and loved ones from us.  Huddled alone in our homes, it is easy to lose hope.  As such, I challenge you to find the thing that brings you joy and use it as an inspiration for your project.

Due to Covid, our A&S championship will be held virtually this year as part of the Virtual Spring Schola.  Please submit your entry with photos and/ or videos and documentation to Lady Fiona the Volatile by Sunday March 14, 2021.  

A&S projects will be displayed on the event page and judged using the East Kingdom A&S rubrics.  A copy of the rubrics can be found here

If you have any questions or need help constructing a digital display, please contact Lady Fiona.