Our own THL Onóra ingheainn Uí Rauric has one of her Scrolls in the Banner of the EK Gazette! Lady Violet Hughes has created a tutorial for creating and updating populace pages on the East Kingdom Wiki Site! Both can be seen here: https://eastkingdomgazette.org/2018/02/01/east-kingdom-wiki-tutorial/
February 2018 archive
Feb 02
For The EAST KINGDOM 50 Year Event From the Historian
Greetings to the fine populace of An Dubhaigeainn, both past and present. I am working on creating the written history of our Barony for the East Kingdom 50 Year Celebration. If you could please take the time out of your busy lives and compile responses for the below. Persona Name: Persona ‘Story’: When did you …
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