Greetings to the fine populace of An Dubhaigeainn, both past and present. I am working on creating the written history of our Barony for the East Kingdom 50 Year Celebration.
If you could please take the time out of your busy lives and compile responses for the below.
Persona Name:
Persona ‘Story’:
When did you start participating in the SCA?
What about the SCA drew you in?
Where did you start participating? If not from An Dubhaigeainn, when did you move into the Barony?
Who was playing in the Barony when you started/moved in; what was your impression of them?
How did that experience affect the way you participate?
How involved did you get, and what were you interested in?
What offices and positions have you held?
What is your most remembered event within the society?
If you have any stories you heard about the creation of the Shire and Barony would be of great help.
Please send responses to <> by the end of February.
Thank you in advance – In Service
Baroness Mistress Suzanne Neuber de Londres
An Dubhaigeainn Historian
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