Category: Officer

Rescheduled: Arrows, Axes, and Ales: There and Back Again

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our Arrows, Axes, and Ales event has been rescheduled to occur on October 23, 2021. We are working to revise the deadlines for pre-registration and will update when that is finalized. PayPal pre-registration is available until Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Mail-in pre-registration must be received by October 15, 2021. …

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AAA PayPal Registration Now Live!

Edited to add link to the Event: – the most up to date informational about the rescheduled date (10/23/2021) and pre-registration deadlines will be on that page, on the East Kingdom site. Greetings! I’m pleased to announce that PayPal registration for Arrows, Axes, and Ales: There and Back Again is now available! We kindly …

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Viaduct 2021-07 is now available

Viaduct 2021-06 is now available

Letter of Intent for Exchequer and MOAS

The Barony of An Dubhaigeainn is looking for letters of intent from those who would wish to serve as: Exchequer: Treasurer MOAS: Minister of Arts and Sciences Please email if you are interested in these positions.

Viaduct 2021-05 Is Now Available

Viaduct 2021-04 is now available

Viaduct 2021-03 is now available

Viaduct 2021-02 Now Available

Spring Schola 2021

Announcing the web page for Spring Schola 2021! Virtual Spring Schola: Persephone’s Return