Category: Officer

Viaduct 2019-04 Now Available

Viaduct 2019-03 Now Available

Viaduct 2018-12 Now Available

The monthly Baronial Newsletter is now available.

From the outgoing Baronial Seneschal

Greetings unto the Populace, The past two years of my term as Seneschal for the Barony has moved quickly by. I am grateful for all the support the Baronial and Canton officers and populace have provided for Their Excellencies of An Dubhaigeainn, Prefect Titus and Baroness Sorcha. I look forward to this support continuing, because …

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Fencing Practice, Friday Aug 24

Fencing practice restarts after Pennsic again at Port Jefferson, 7:30 to whenever this Friday, 8/24/18 Next week, plan to restart the Sayville practices at 7:30 pm, or whenever I get there – if rain, practice will be cancelled.

Viaduct 2018 07-08 Now Available

The monthly Baronial Newsletter is now available. Viaduct 2018 07-08

June 29th EK 50 celebration

Just to let people know I will NOT have fencing practice in Port Jefferson this Friday 6/29/18, as I will be attending EK 50 in the Albany area.  Thank you for your future support.  Eanraig

Viaduct 2018-06 Now available

The monthly Baronial Newsletter is now available. Viaduct_2018-06

Fencing Practice 3/30/18

This Friday, 3/30/18 fencing practice will be held at the Port Jefferson site, starting at 7:30 pm until whenever. Bring your gear, and notebooks – it is the start of learning season for PENNSIC! Also, as regular Monday practices are starting up at Sayville for heavy suit and I am in attendance, extra training time …

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Viaduct 2018-01 Is Here!

The January issue of Viaduct has arrived! Viaduct_2018-01