Category: An Dubhaigeainn

Letters of Intent for Baronial Herald

Greetings unto the Baronial populace, The Coronets and seneschal are taking letters of intent for the Baronial herald up until the meeting this Thursday, June 7th.  The position will need a responsible individual that can attend the monthly Baronial meetings on a regular basis, be available to announce court business during baronial events, submit court …

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Unofficial Court Report for An Dubhaigeainn/Ostgardr challenge

Court opened in the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn on the 12th Day of May, A.S. LIII   The Il Khanate Lada and Sudur were invited to sit beside their Excellencies, Prefect Titus Aurelius Magnus and Baroness Sorcha of Stonegrave.   Their Excellencies demanded to see before them Lady Michele the Ubiquitous, who presented them with …

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Baronial OP

The An Dubhaigeainn Order of Precedence has been updated to the best of my knowledge and reading EK Gazette unofficial court report articles. If I missed anything please let me know.

Fencing Practice 3/30/18

This Friday, 3/30/18 fencing practice will be held at the Port Jefferson site, starting at 7:30 pm until whenever. Bring your gear, and notebooks – it is the start of learning season for PENNSIC! Also, as regular Monday practices are starting up at Sayville for heavy suit and I am in attendance, extra training time …

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Schola Unofficial court report 2018

On the 10th day of March, AS 52, the court of Prefect Titus Aurelius Magnus and Baroness Sorcha of Stonegrave opened their court. They thanked everybody for attending the Schola event and marveled at the wonderful entrants for the champion competitions and the great teachers of the classes held.   Their excellencies invited up all …

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Shout outs to Onora Ingheann Ui Rauirc and Violet Hughes

Our own THL Onóra ingheainn Uí Rauric has one of her Scrolls in the Banner of the EK Gazette! Lady Violet Hughes has created a tutorial for creating and updating populace pages on the East Kingdom Wiki Site! Both can be seen here:

Viaduct 2018-01 Is Here!

The January issue of Viaduct has arrived! Viaduct_2018-01

EK Gazette – Webminister Email Move update

Another posting from the Webministry Includes: an explanation of the timeline by which we move a branch: 1) We receive back the spreadsheet of account information 2) Fairly promptly we will create the new accounts 3) We send a welcome letter email to both your current officer account AND your provided “recovery email” account, that is, your …

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EK Gazette Email Move Announcement

From the East Kingdom Gazette: Greetings unto the Populace of the East from the Office of the Webministry!

Viaduct for November 2017

Viaduct 2017-11 is now available on Newsletters.